Learn How To Work With Your Sleep Apnea

As you’re certainly aware if you’re dealing with the difficulties caused by sleep apnea, it’s not easy to lead a healthy life without proper, natural sleep. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to get control over sleep apnea and start getting the peaceful rest that you need. You can begin by checking out the advice found in the article below.

Think about changing a few of your habits to help with your sleep apnea. Drinking and smoking are the biggest offenders. Drinking helps depress your respiratory system, causing breathing issues. Smoking damages the lungs. Dropping both these habits entirely will help ease the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Have a mouth guard made for you. These are made especially for those suffering from sleep apnea. While they won’t work for everyone, they do work for many people who find them to be easy to use and successful in treating their sleep apnea. It really helps keep the airways clear and keeps the soft tissues of the throat stable.

If your physician has prescribed a CPAP machine, do try to sleep a minimum of four hours with it nightly. It can be hard, at first, to get comfortable using it. Nonetheless, it will not be effective unless you wear it for a minimum of 4 hours nightly. Try two hours at first if you must. The next week you should increase that amount to 4 hours. In the end, you should never use it less than 4 hours per night on a permanent basis.

Avoid alcohol before bed as much as possible. Your muscles will over-relax when you use alcohol, especially before bed. You might want this consequence of consuming alcohol, but it also instigates sleep apnea. Your throat muscles become relaxed and cause your airways to become blocked. If you absolutely must drink, then do it in moderation and certainly not right when you’re about to go to sleep.

If you are dealing with sleep apnea, you never want to take any sleeping pills. You could seriously damage your air passage ways if you take them while you have sleep apnea. These can cause more harm than good, even if you just want to get to bed sooner.

This isn’t a quick fix but a lifelong solution. Learning is the most important step anyone can take to start managing the symptoms associated with sleep apnea. With the useful information in this article, you can finally get down to the business of resolving your issues with sleep apnea.

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