Strategies On How To Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea

When you get up each day, are you feeling overwhelmingly tired with a headache? Are you told that you snore loudly? If you answered “yes” to these questions, get evaluated for sleep apnea. The effects of this condition are often serious, so start looking for ways to treat your apnea immediately.

Shed a bit of weight if you can. Studies have shown sleep apnea and obesity can be related. As a result, the loss of just twenty or twenty five pounds can make a significant difference in reducing your symptoms of sleep apnea.

If your physician has prescribed a CPAP machine, do try to sleep a minimum of four hours with it nightly. Sometimes it is hard for people to get used to the CPAP. However, it won’t be effective if you don’t use it every day. If you have a tough time with it, be sure you have the right size mask, and that the pressure is working right.

Reduce your consumption of alcohol. Alcohol is a natural muscle relaxant. Although some people do enjoy this, it can contribute to sleep apnea. Your throat muscles become relaxed and cause your airways to become blocked. If you are a person who needs a drink sometimes, then aim to not drink it very frequently. Definitely do not drink any immediately before hitting the sheets at night.

Did you know that sleep apnea can afflict children? There are a multitude of symptoms that can determine whether your child has sleep apnea. These symptoms are quite similar to ADHD, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis because treatments for these two disorders are quite different.

If you have sleep apnea, never take sleeping pills. Pills such as these may cause a relaxation of your throat muscles which causes your airways to not function properly. If your sleep apnea is bad, these pills are even more dangerous. They may be tempting to use but you’ll be better off staying away from sleeping pills.

While sleep apnea can be a serious condition that can cause many health problems, the good news is that it is quite treatable. This article can provide help in finding treatment. If they’re not effective, speak with your doctor immediately concerning other options.

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