Reclaim Your Home: How To Beat A Bug Infestation

It seems as though lately there is a surge of pests in people’s homes. Living in a home filled with bugs or rodents is very unpleasant and even represents a sanitary risk in some cases. Getting your home back is a possibility. You will find some wonderful suggestions for how to keep out these pests.

If you are having problems with flying insects in your home, then you need to fix your home’s screens. Screens are effective at keeping out both flying and crawling pests. Fix holes that are now part of your screens.

Get an exterminator with a trained termite dog to find out if there are termites in your home. A human termite inspector can only verify that about a third of your home is safe. A dog that is trained to sniff them out can cover 100% of your home. These dogs can pick up the scent of methane gas which is caused by termites.

You should never purchase a home before having it inspected by a professional beforehand. Many pest problems go undetected upon an initial inspection. Only by living in the home will the problem become apparent.

It is wonderful to have light outside but it might bring bugs. If you do prefer to have outdoor lighting running all night, pick colors that attract fewer insects, like orange, pink or yellow.

If pests and bugs are driving you to distraction, help may be at hand. See a home improvement store nearby to ask the pros in there how to get rid of pests. They can tell you which pesticides work best given your situation.

Do you use lights on the outside of your home? If so, then it is likely they are attracting pests. Try to avoid lights too close to your home. It’ll also help if you use orange or yellow lights to reduce the number of pests attracted to them.

This advice had some useful ways for you to get rid of unwanted pests. You don’t have to use an exterminator to get your pest control situation handled. Use what you have just learned from this great article, and you can be on your way to a family friendly environment once again.

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